wood therapy


Body maderotherapy consists of a series of massages to tone the body, minimize fluid retention, treat localized fat, and stimulate elastin production. In addition to offering unique results and sensations. The instruments used for its application are made of wood. Using wooden utensils, relaxation and certain physical benefits. Although it has been modernized, it is based on ancient oriental techniques

Human beings have always sought ways to alleviate and/or eliminate all kinds of ailments. Over time, materials and techniques have been found that improve and/or complement what is already known. Sometimes it involves new techniques and other times old knowledge that is rescued and sometimes altered to adapt to new realities.

Within this last group is wood therapy or maderotherapy, a treatment that has recently become very popular because it combines the relaxation of a massage with aesthetic effects. And as far as this portal is concerned, it has madethere are already many people who ask us about which woods are the right ones, and how to design and build the instruments used in therapy.

Benefits of Wood Therapy

A series of benefits are attributed to this massage technique:

  • Relieves muscle and joint ailments.
  • Helps control anxiety and stress.
  • Increases physical performance.
  • Firm and tone the body.
  • Prevents the appearance of cellulite (helping lymphatic drainage), varicose veins and wrinkles.

Does woodrotherapy have contraindications

There is no clear scientific evidence on the efficacy and safety of this technique. However, it is not an invasive practice that can carry risk or contraindications for most people.

Therefore, we should only rule out the practice in situations where the risk is due to other factors: people with skin damage (burns, injuries, infections or edema) or particularly serious diseases.

It will always be advisable, in case of doubt, to consult a specialist.

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